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White Spacer For Sidebar - The Eyes Trilogy Website - They Grow Upon The Eyes - The Doom Of The Hollow - The Unforseen Children Of Olive Shipley - Author Pete Worrall

"The building of tension by using the reader’s imagination with locations that they can relate too is not always easy to do. But Pete has done something right when I'm not sure about walking into my junk store of a garage again.”

White Spacer For Sidebar - The Eyes Trilogy Website - They Grow Upon The Eyes - The Doom Of The Hollow - The Unforseen Children Of Olive Shipley - Author Pete Worrall

Facebook Link - The Eyes Trilogy Website - They Grow Upon The Eyes - The Doom Of The Hollow - The Unforseen Children Of Olive Shipley - Author Pete Worrall

White Spacer For Sidebar - The Eyes Trilogy Website - They Grow Upon The Eyes - The Doom Of The Hollow - The Unforseen Children Of Olive Shipley - Author Pete Worrall

Discovery House - Synopsis

The people who have suffered an unfortunate and unfair demise from circumstances beyond their control, or ended up dead through sheer bad luck, are judged and assessed on their potential worth to humanity. The highest five scorers are given the gift of resurrection, to fulfil their promise and improve the world as we know it…or at least that was the plan. One small admin error later and the wrong five people are brought back to the world. The mistake needs to be eradicated as quickly as possible but the five ‘errors’ have disappeared leading to one man’s search for the worthless five.

Read extracts from 'Discovery House' here