White Spacer For Sidebar - The Eyes Trilogy Website - They Grow Upon The Eyes - The Doom Of The Hollow - The Unforeseen Children Of Olive Shipley - Author Pete Worrall

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White Spacer For Sidebar - The Eyes Trilogy Website - They Grow Upon The Eyes - The Doom Of The Hollow - The Unforeseen Children Of Olive Shipley - Author Pete Worrall

"I was actually beginning to feel scared with that tense heavy stomach feeling and raised heart rate."

White Spacer For Sidebar - The Eyes Trilogy Website - They Grow Upon The Eyes - The Doom Of The Hollow - The Unforeseen Children Of Olive Shipley - Author Pete Worrall

Facebook Link - The Eyes Trilogy Website - They Grow Upon The Eyes - The Doom Of The Hollow - The Unforeseen Children Of Olive Shipley - Author Pete Worrall

White Spacer For Sidebar - The Eyes Trilogy Website - They Grow Upon The Eyes - The Doom Of The Hollow - The Unforeseen Children Of Olive Shipley - Author Pete Worrall

Image_of_Pete_Worrall_the_author - The Eyes Trilogy Website - They Grow Upon The Eyes - The Doom Of The Hollow - The Unforeseen Children Of Olive Shipley - Author Pete Worrall Pete is an independent author and has been writing stories, scripts and fanzines for sixteen years. In that time he has released the novels, ‘They Grow Upon The Eyes’ in 2008, ‘The Doom Of The Hollow’ in 2011 and 'The Unforeseen Children Of Olive Shipley' in 2013. In 2014 he released two short ghost stories, 'Thank You For The Music' and 'Goet'. After attending the MET Film School in London in 2015 to learn more about screenplays, he has returned to the short story format.
He has contributed music reviews, articles, features and interviews for www. metalreviews.com and www.roomthirteen.com.
He lives in England and is currently working on 3 new short stories, a film script and his next full length novel.